Robert Cohen
2009-12-26 19:14:54 UTC
Hey, David, how bout some defense of GOP Know-Nuthins & Joe The
Independent Schmoe
I'll try to read 'em because hopefully they're more than the semi fun
of that Dickens worship article
I dumbly touted for stuffy literary fanaticism
I'm long-shot guessing "Sidney" is S Blumenthal, because mainly off
the head of my top, no other
"Sidneys" currently comes to mind, except:
Sidney Lanier, poet named for very important Atlanta area-dependent-
upon lake
Sylvia Sydney, actress I saw in roadshow of maybe AUNTIE something,
but was it "Mame" or what?
Sidney Sheldon, with Harold Robbins, Mickey Spillane etal made
publishing important books cost-effective
Independent Schmoe
I'll try to read 'em because hopefully they're more than the semi fun
of that Dickens worship article
I dumbly touted for stuffy literary fanaticism
I'm long-shot guessing "Sidney" is S Blumenthal, because mainly off
the head of my top, no other
"Sidneys" currently comes to mind, except:
Sidney Lanier, poet named for very important Atlanta area-dependent-
upon lake
Sylvia Sydney, actress I saw in roadshow of maybe AUNTIE something,
but was it "Mame" or what?
Sidney Sheldon, with Harold Robbins, Mickey Spillane etal made
publishing important books cost-effective