The *only* acceptable legal philosophy of the US Gov't is that of
Montesquieu. This you are *supposed* to believe from cradle to grave
*als* 'Ultra-American', and *could you believe* as per "Supremes" it
*pays off*. See for yourself. Or whatever. Record the results "at the
*Troth*. And one *must needs understand* that your "legal type of
fellow" -- whatever their race, color or creed -- has "all what they
can't leave behind" on account of *extreme accuracy in pragmatics
forced upon them by various 'self-chosen people', and rightly so*.
A Kantian republic would be something to watch on a 'silver screen',
but America's "discursive republic" is not that -- and not everybody
can "set the tone" for the scene that ought to be set for the
people who *is* the times etc. Check the State Department and
friends for *extrem* magnanimity as regards your sexi ness
[Seriously, still.] and Consider Your Forebear the Authority Absolute
on "What you know about that" and other "issues of the day".
It must be done, unlike quote-unquote 'justice'.
And the highest and *mos' relevant* [districta n'at] courts say
no different as regards the *ultima ratio* of Mr. Public Record,
Montesquieu. "Cleverness and Antiquarianism in Media" buy
you no *purchase* [an 'Americanism' this, lik-a "dudgeon"] on
the "public imagination": rather, the cleverness and generosity
of an Irving Kristol or a Daniel Bell get you *some of the way*
towards a "refined understanding" of Your Current Circumstances.
Believe me on this.